It would not be right to go past this day without recognizing my fellow veterans. One thing that the military coin business does for me is keep me close to the people I have always valued and admired. I still do. Every day in every corner of our nation and the world, service people do great things for people who most of the year do not give them a second thought.
Great service men and women serve in all kinds of ways. The vast majority of them are not in high-profile jobs. But all of them are critical to making our military the most powerful and professional in the world. So here is a special shout-out to the mechanics, clerks, x-ray technicians, recruiters, electricians truck drivers and administrative people who make these extraordinary results possible.
Only a veteran knows this. We remember all of the folks who made it possible to serve our country. One thing every veteran knows is that there are no unimportant jobs in the military. They are all important. One piece of the puzzle falls out and the whole thing comes apart.
I hope on this veterans day that every decorated combat soldier, every officer and every senior noncommissioned officer makes a special effort to say to his comrades-in-arms, no matter what their job is…”thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you.”
We owe our freedoms to every veteran combat or otherwise. They ALL made the commitment to do what was needed and give everything to their country if necessary.
So to all veterans everywhere. Thank you for doing what you did. As far as I am concerned you are all heroes.